
Natural Family Planning is an incredible gift to couples are are struggling with infertility. As NFP charts the female cycle, it is perfectly suited as a diagnostic tool to help couples pinpoint the root causes of their infertility, and then to help them address these issues in a way that maintains the God-given design for their sexual relationship as well as the transmission of life.

Oftentimes when a couple is having difficulty conceiving, they are quickly diagnosed with infertility as a condition and they are pointed to assistive reproductive technology, such as IVF or IUI. But these overlook the root causes of the symptoms of infertility, rather than going deeper to discover what is not working correctly. Because of that, many couples find themselves having to revisit these issues and treatments each time they wish to become pregnant. They often have low success rates and high costs associated with them, causing even more stress. NFP not only helps couples to achieve pregnancy, it can also help them to treat the underlying causes of their infertility, so they will be able to more easily achieve and maintain pregnancy in the future.

If you would like to seek medical intervention to diagnose and treat the root cause of your infertility symptoms, we would highly recommend seeking out the services of a Natural Procreative Technology (NaPro Technology) Physician, trained in the Creighton Model of Fertility Awareness. NaPro Technology is a restorative reproductive medicine – it is designed to work with the natural cycle to discover underlying causes and to address and correct the condition(s), all while looking at women as whole persons and sustaining the procreative potential.

Couple Testimonies – Overcoming Infertility with NaPro Technology

Carolyn & Nic share how NaPro Technology helped them concieve after struggling with infertility.
Anna and Erika give hope for those struggling with unexplaimed infertility and recurrent miscarriage
Maria & John share their journey of infertility, which turned the corner after endrometriosis surgery.

While there are many methods available for working through infertility – some are approved by the Catholic Church as being morally acceptable, and some are not.

Married couples who experience infertility can accept medical assistance that does not contradict the dignity of the human person, the rights of the child to be conceived, and the holiness of the Sacrament of Matrimony [CCC #2375, 2379].

The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) provides this general rule of thumb for knowing whether a treatment is considered to be morally correct:

“Any procedure which assists marital intercourse in reaching its procreative potential is moral. Procedures which add a “third party” into the act of conception, or which substitute a laboratory procedure for intercourse, are not acceptable.” [CCC #2374, 2377]

Children should originate from the loving union of husband and wife rather than as a product of a technological procedure. Married couples who have exhausted all permissible medical means of assistance can adopt, take in foster children, or become involved in some other way of the caretaking of children.

For general Catholic teaching on marital love and the sexual union, visit our Catholic Teaching page.

For Catholic Teaching on IVF and Contraception Explained, see Fr. Michael Schmitz’s video here.

Other Resources to Navigate Infertility

Catholic Counselors

Catholic Counselors offers tele-counseling for individuals and couples. Their website also includes relationship check-up quizzes, podcasts, blogs, books, videos, and more.

The Fruitful Hollow

The Fruitful Hollow is a Catholic infertility resource and community offering practical tools, mentorship, and encouragement to be “FRUITFUL in the NOW”. The Fruitful Hollow offers weekly blog posts, NaPro (Natural Procreative Technology) information, mentorship program, and practical resources for managing NaPro/medical appointments, setting boundaries, spiritual warfare tips, discernment guide, and supporting couples at all stages of infertility.

Click here to learn more:

Instagram @thefruitfulhollow

Springs in the Dessert

Springs in the Desert is a Catholic Community formed through the shared suffering of infertility and loss to accompany those who also carry this cross. We walk together in solidarity and hope, discovering the ways God is transforming our desert path into fruitfulness.

To find peace and community, go to

Unexplained Infertility Summit and Cycle Power Collection

Education and Resources for fertility, family planning, and a better approach to women’s health care through the power of the menstrual cycle. Hear from doctors, researchers, and women’s healthcare experts for real answers to “unexplained infertility,” learn about restorative health options to conceive naturally, and avoid invasive, expensive procedures like IUI and IVF.

Click here to learn more:

Additional Articles, Prayers, and Resources

Books on Infertility
  • Facing Infertility: A Catholic Approach by Dimech-Juchniewicz Jean
  • The Infertility Companion for Catholics: Spiritual and Practical Support for Couples By Angelique Ruhi-Lopez and Carmen Santamaria
Prayers and Devotions
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Relics of St. Gianna - Prayer Card Ministry

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Relics of St. Gianna is a group of mothers of children on earth, and of little saints in Heaven; married women longing for children, and single women with hearts that long to serve others. All bonded together by our beautiful patron, St. Gianna Beretta Molla.

To request a 3rd Class Relic of St. Gianna, click here

Sacred Scripture

Sacred Scripture always refers to fertility, and children, as a great blessing from God and a source of JOY; and the lack of fertility (what is often called being “barren” in the Bible), is seen as a cause for sadness and distress. There are countless stories in the Bible of women who were infertile for many years, who were finally able to conceive a child when they had thought it was impossible. These stories have been a source of great hope and inspiration to many couples experiencing infertility.

Sarah (wife of Abraham)

see Genesis 16-21

Sarah was unable to bear children, and she underwent much heartache and emotional pain because of it. However, God eventually spoke to Abraham and told him that Sarah, who was ninety years old at the time, would become pregnant, and that nations and kings would come from her. She ended up giving birth to Isaac, one of the forefathers of the ancient Jewish people.

Rebekah (wife of Isaac)

see Genesis 25:21

This story shows a husband crying out to God because of his wife’s barrenness, showing how difficult it can be for both spouses. God eventually answered Isaac’s prayers and allowed Rebekah to give birth to twins, Esau and Jacob.

Rachel (wife of Jacob)

see Genesis 30:1, 22-24

Jacob loved Rachel more than any of his other wives, but she was unable to become pregnant. Jacob had many children with his other wives, which was extremely difficult for Rachel to see, and some of them even tried to make her jealous, which only added to her pain. But God answered Rachel’s years of prayer, and allowed her to have two sons.


see 1 Samuel 1-2

This is a beautiful story of a devout woman of faith who experienced infertility. She prayed fervently for many years, and made a promise to God that if she were to conceive, she would dedicate the child to God. Finally she was able to bear a son, Samuel, who grew up to be a great prophet and anointed David, king of Israel.

Elizabeth (wife of Zechariah, mother of John the Baptist)

see Luke 1

Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah were very holy and devout people, but were unable to have children and were getting on in years. Finally, the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and announced to him that Elizabeth, though she was old, would bear a son, John (the Baptist), and that he would be a great prophet who would prepare the way for the coming Messiah (Jesus).

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